Agriculture is important – vitally important. Here at Plastic Extrusion Technologies, we believe in sustainable living – and that starts with Agriculture. Technology, or the City according to William Bryan, can only last as long as our farms last.
Our job as stewards of this earth is to cultivate, rather than inhibit, nature’s ability to grow healthily. To understand how to help nature grow, we first have to know how nature grows in the first place.
The real question is: What do our farms, our earth, need to grow healthily?
Sufficient Amount of Resources
The earth is not a boundless source of resources. We are only given one earth. Although renewable energy technology has been increasing in recent years, earth’s oil, gas, and coal energy are still the major energy providers for mankind’s production. Likewise, deforestation and the depletion of metallic resources hurt nature’s balanced ecosystems.
Plastic Extrusion Technologies has taken every opportunity to utilize sustainable methods that help prevent unnecessary waste of resources such as electricity, process materials, paper, etc. Plastic Extrusion Technologies has accomplished this by having the ability to utilize 100% reprocessed materials to construct some of our quality plastic products. Although we are just one company, our carbon footprint and usage of other natural resources is something we don’t take lightly. As a manufacturing company, we understand how important resources truly are!
Room to Grow!
A healthy earth, and therefore healthy agriculture industry, needs room to grow vegetation! Sounds simple, right? Sadly, landfills keep piling higher and keep expanding.
Furthermore, many materials that end up in landfills contain toxic substances that, over time, may leach into our soil and groundwater, hurting the surrounding ecosystem.
Normally, businesses like ours can negatively affect the local agriculture industry through the large amount of discarded or leftover materials thrown away on a daily basis. But here at Plastic Extrusion Technologies, we have the ability to use 100% reprocessed materials for all the plastic products we make. What does that mean? Basically, any leftover materials (plastics, woods, etc.) discarded while making another product are gathered up, melted down or recycled. We then use these materials to create future products. Having the ability to use 100% reprocessed materials has helped reduced the size of local landfills.
You too can help nature grow by doing business with companies who value the earth we have been given. Go Green with P.E.T. and give us a call today!