
Going Green with Plastic Extrusion Technologies

“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.” – Stewart Udall

Within recent years, industries and companies throughout the United States have strived to create an environmentally stable and safe work atmosphere that not only protects air, water, wilderness, and wildlife, but man itself. However, many of these companies and industries have retreated from their attempts to protect the environment due to some of the disadvantages these alternative practices present: higher production costs, more fragile products, initial conversion expenses, less efficient production processes, higher consumer prices, etc. This was not the case for Plastic Extrusion Technologies! P.E.T.’s decision to go green was one of the best decisions we could have made as a company. While going green naturally leads to some small conversion costs initially, the benefits we gained from such a process were well worth the cost.

Plastic Extrusion Technologies Green Outlook on Plastic Products

Going green has not only allowed Plastic Extrusion Technologies to create a better, more aware work environment for its employees, but it has permitted us to produce environmentally friendly products in a more efficient and cost effective manner.

Environmentally Friendly

Plastic Extrusion Technologies has taken every opportunity to utilize sustainable methods that help prevent unnecessary waste of resources such as electricity, process materials, paper, etc. We have successfully created an environmentally friendly work atmosphere for our employees by using fewer chemicals and conserving our natural resources. Plastic Extrusion Technologies has accomplished this by using 100% reprocessed materials to construct some of our extrusion plastic products.

Reduced Landfills

As mentioned above, Plastic Extrusion Technologies has the ability to use 100% reprocessed materials for all the plastic products we make here in Ohio. Essentially, what this means is, that any leftover materials (plastics, woods, etc.) discarded while making another product are gathered up melted down or recycled so they can be used to create future products. Having the ability to use 100% reprocessed materials has helped reduced the size of local landfills. Normally businesses similar to ours discard large amounts leftover materials daily basis.

Reduced Costs

In general, our company has taken the initiative to cut utility costs and save energy as much as possible by eliminating unused or unnecessary power use. But our ability to integrate 100% reprocessed materials into our extruded plastic products on a daily basis has made our production process more efficient and cost effect since we are no longer forced to purchase new materials so often. Our personal objectives as a company and reprocessed materials have allowed us to reduce costs and still provide our customers with the same quality products in a timely manner.

Going green with P.E.T. has resulted in extruded plastic products that are then used to create decks, railings, fencing, doors, window frames, outdoor spas, gazebos, etc. which furnish the warmth, protection, and joy of your home. With over 100 years of experience in the plastics industry, you can trust Plastic Extrusion Technologies to provide you with the best of products and services to your utmost satisfaction. Call or contact Plastic Extrusion Technologies today and discover the endless possibilities we have to offer.

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Superior Plastic Extrusion Process