by Plastic Extrusion Technologies | Oct 8, 2021 | Plastic
In recent years, going green has been a huge agenda for both the United States government and for many companies residing within its borders. The uses of sustainable materials and sustainable energy have especially been stressed, in order to promote environmental...
by Plastic Extrusion Technologies | Oct 8, 2021 | Plastic
We all know that plastic has become ingrained in the consumerist lifestyle, but by just how much? The short answer: by a lot. Over 300 million tons of the stuff is produced each year globally. To give you an idea of just how large that number really is, imagine 6,000...
by Plastic Extrusion Technologies | Oct 8, 2021 | Plastic Extrusion
Plastic lives all around us. You may not see it or physically use it but plastic is present in our everyday lives making our world an easier and simpler place to live. To help everyone appreciate plastics role in our daily lives Plastic Extrusion Technologies would...
by Plastic Extrusion Technologies | Oct 8, 2021 | Polymers
Plastic Extrusion Technologies is always looking for ways to improve the plastic they manufacture in an effort to better meet the needs of their customers. Our capabilities and applications include the latest and greatest technological advancements to help us create...
by Plastic Extrusion Technologies | Oct 8, 2021 | Plastic Extrusion
Hydraulic Fracturing, also known as hydrofracking or fracking, injects water, sand, and chemicals into shallow shale deposits. This process cracks the shale to allow natural gas to escape. The opinions are varied regarding this new method of tapping into the earth’s...