Acrylic Signage
Material: Translucent Signage Commercial Lighting Application

Translucent Signage, Acrylic
Plastic Extrusion Technologies supplied translucent green acrylic signage to a client in New York. This acrylic signage was used in an overhang application supplying lighting for a gas station. Acrylic material provides the best material option for the lighting industry because of its transparency and its ability to withstand high temperatures for long durations of time. PET manufactures all kinds of complex plastic extrusions for different industries including the signage and lighting industries. Here are some other applications for acrylic plastics in the signage and lighting industries:
- High impact polystyrene for P.O.P. application
- Lens covers
- LED Illumination
- Appliances
- Automotive Applications
Contact Plastic Extrusion Technologies for your next acrylic signage application. Back to gallery